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Sunday 29 September 11am & 6.30pm: Dr Peter Masters

Wednesday 25 September 2024 | 7:30pm

Reverence – the Key to True Joy

'And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the Philistines to battle, and pitched beside Eben-ezer: and the Philistines pitched in Aphek.'
Sunday 22 September 2024 | 6:30pm

The Unstable Peace of Life

Surely nothing is more tragic than to believe life is peaceful and secure without God, only to discover one day that one faces eternal disaster. Here is the false peace that imprisons us in this material world and keeps us from seeking and finding the Lord.
Sunday 22 September 2024 | 11:00am

There Can Only Be One Way Of Salvation

For Luther, the best of the Bible and the rallying call of the Reformation, these verses affirm the one and only true Gospel, by contrast with the alternatives offered in Paul's time and today. Here is the message that leads to God and eternal life.
Wednesday 18 September 2024 | 7:30pm

The Faith of Samuel

'And [Elkanah] had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the LORD of hosts in Shiloh.'
Sunday 15 September 2024 | 6:30pm

The Extraordinary Mercy and Kindness of God

David traces the reasons for personal sin in a life, the phenomenon of God's mercy, the benefits of trusting Him, and the tragic result of rejecting His kindness. There is no treatment of sin and salvation as profound and uplifting as this psalm.

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Worship or Entertainment?
Dr Peter Masters

Where will your church be five or ten years from now? With the adoption of contemporary worship, many have changed beyond recognition. This is one of the most important issues confronting Bible churches today, and here is why.

The Golden Chain of Blessing
Dr Peter Masters

The apostle is about to unfold the great 'cycle' of spiritual experience for Christian workers by teaching the golden chain of pressures (prayer: encouragement: thanksgiving). He wants all Christians to see pressures turn into spiritual encouragements, such as deliverances, provisions, strength and fruitfulness.

Biblical Roles of Men and Women
Dr Peter Masters

In Christ ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.’ Neither male nor female is superior to the other in the sight of God. All are heirs together of salvation, equal in standing before God, equal in spiritual value, equal in inheritance.

The Necessity and Justification for the Free Offer of the Gospel
Rev. Malcolm Watts

God has laid in the record of the Gospel a firm foundation for the faith of sinners. They have his own warrant and therefore a perfect right to receive the Lord Jesus, in all his grace and fulness, for their salvation. Faith is receiving Christ, but no person can receive anything unless it is first offered to him as a gift (John 3.27; 4.10).

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Paul’s Ten Point Design for Church Health and Growth

Dr Peter Masters

What are our aims for the shaping and growth of our church? Do we have an agenda of objectives? The apostle Paul had a very definite purpose, using a Greek word which means 'a plan or strategy visibly displayed'. Here are ten policies, gleaned from Paul's teaching, all of which are essential for the health and growth of a church.

Compassion for Souls

Dr Peter Masters

It is amazing how much detailed and practical guidance is stored in the Gospels and the Book of Acts for all who engage in personal witness and preaching. Are we aware that the Lord Jesus Christ employed distinctive strategies for different kinds of unbeliever, and these may be studied and employed?

Richard Dawkins’ Fictional World

Mr Robin Compston

Richard Dawkins has attacked the God of the Bible with a ferocity unseen since communism. But these assaults contain numerous mistakes. Robin Compston exposes these with exceptional clarity, simultaneously showing the reality and value of the faith under attack.

Remember the Lord’s Day

Dr Peter Masters

Why was the Sabbath instituted by the Lord? Does it continue as the Lord’s Day? If so, how has it changed with the coming of Christ? How should it be kept? This booklet responds, showing that the sabbath principle is still God’s will for believers today, and listing its purposes and blessings.

Metropolitan Tabernacle Bookshop

The Tabernacle Bookshop is a Christian Bookshop based in London, stocking a variety of sound Christian books from famous authors such as Thomas Watson, John Owen, C.H. Spurgeon, Jay Adams and many others – including Peter Masters, pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle since 1970.

The Tabernacle Bookshop is one of the UK’s oldest reformed Christian bookshops and the largest distributor of Christian Sunday School lessons.

See the bookshop website for opening hours and more information.

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